Developing innovative products in the field of Medical Technologies with a focus on laboratory needs, Metafor Global, is proud to have achieved high level of quality in the production of laboratory equipment, chemicals, and consumables. It also has succeeded in bringing in groundbreaking technologies promoting pathology studies and practices.
Thanks toits team with years of experience in the field, in addition toits integrated production facilitiesequipped with fully automated systems enabling total control as well as end-to-end traceability, Metafor Global offerssustainable quality to its customers on time and at the specified value.
The innovation strategy implemented by Metafor Global includescontinuous analysis, updates and improvements applied to all products and processesfor the purpose ofmeeting the ever-changing needs andrequirements inboth scientific and application fields.At Metafor Global, the product evaluation parameters aredivided into two major criteria,namelyease of useand reliability, whereas those of process evaluation are based on efficiency and sustainability.